My boy has loved all things oceanic from as far back as I can remember. He studied the blue whale extensively. He's probably watched every National Geographic episode on the ocean. He just loves everything about the sea from it's residents, to those who explore it, to the heart break of those who try to destroy it. It ALL interests him.
After a trip to a local aquarium store, F now wants saltwater fish tank. He wants a clown fish and an anemone, a starfish, a shrimp. His list goes on and on. He's in love with the idea. He could just sit and watch them for hours
He's always enjoyed aquariums but it is at an all time high. Upon further thinking about it... I finally realized that his fascination is more a tug of his heart strings and reminiscent of his sister, Cienna. When she was alive the we took two family trips to the beach. After she died we took some of her ashes to the ocean. When he thinks of the ocean and all that it has it reminds him of her. It brings him comfort and helps him remember those trips. They are mixed with both happy and sadness. F will never again go to the ocean. We can't get him on the beach his wheelchair doesn't accommodate and he doesn't travel well due to his cp and dislocated hips. A saltwater tank brings a bit of the ocean home. I finally fully got what he's drawn to. I get it completely. I understand.
Now I'm on a mission to find this boy a saltwater aquarium... hopefully one that is already established that we would need to move. But where to put it in my house is a completely different story!
Mission on!