Saturday, February 4, 2012

Home Health Nursing

I don't think many people realize that there is a field of nurses dedicated to only working in patient's homes.  They choose this field for many reasons.  Some are LVN nurses in school working on their RN.  Some are mothers who need flexible schedules and less stress. Some work in this area to dedicate themselves to one patient knowing that they can improve the quality of one patient's life.  These are usually the great nurses. There are also a lot of really bad nurse in home care.  The ones you don't want working in your home.  It used to be that there were more good nurses available, but through the years they are becoming fewer and fewer.

My son has been eligible for nursing care for many years because his health needs are extensive and so is his dependence.  We've had MANY nurses come through our home.   It will be two years in May that my son's nurse, Caroline, has worked with us.  I know my son is thankful to have her assistance.  He gets a break from me as the "not so great" assistant/caregiver (because I'm unable to cater to his every whim).  He knows that Caroline comes each day to help HIM with all of his needs while she is here during her shift.  She helps give him control and independence over his day.  She has given input and suggestions that have helped improve the quality of his daily life.  She treats him with dignity and respect.  They have a nice friendship together and I know that he is thankful to have her.

I am thankful for Caroline, because she does all of those things for my son.  She allows him to be him.  She supports his interests, his goals, his independence, and she understands his method of communication and they work well together.  I appreciate the break I get to do things away from my home that I cannot do when I'm caring for him.  My daughter and I can spend time together and we can do things we enjoy doing without worrying about stopping for medications or respiratory care.  I've even considered returning to school. Caroline supports us all.  She brings something good to each one of us and we are thankful.

What saddens me deeply is that home health nurses are at the bottom of the pay scale.   They work for agencies that do not offer retirement plans, sick pay, or vacation time.    The hourly wage isn't competitive for their field.  There really isn't any incentive for good nurses to work in home care. We have had some really amazing nurses come through our door.  The good ones stay about a year , some longer.  Eventually, they move on to another phase in their life. These great nurses know that they are providing a service to a patent that IMPROVES the quality of their daily life.  They give caregivers and family members much needed breaks to go out and do things that normal people enjoy without even a consideration.

My life would not be the same without our nurse and neither would my son's.  I think I'm a better caregiver for him because I get a break during the day.  I'm also a better mother to my daughter.   My son's care is extensive.  I don't regret having him at home or the sacrifices that must be made to have him here with us.  He and I just wish our nurses could have the option to have some of the basic benefits offered by many employers.  Perhaps then we'd be able to have the same nurse for a longer period of time.

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