Thursday, May 16, 2013

You Can't Handle the Truth

Our society has completely lowered the standard on manners and courtesies.  These days we seem to tolerate so many things.  My daughter has been participating in a play at school.  I've spent a lot of time volunteering backstage.  It's probably 50/50 for the number of kids that say thank you or please.  Don't get me wrong they are kind, but the manners are lacking. I hear many adults each day give orders or requests to children and adults without saying please or thank you.  I'm guilty as well.

I had one mom just barrel over me as I was sitting in a chair watching the rehearsal without even saying "excuse me" not to mention her giant purse that hit me in the head.  She was totally oblivious.  Two days later as I'm speaking with one of the students she walks right between us.  Not one word is spoken by her.  Again, she runs me over with her giant purse.  That's it I've had enough.  I speak up and say "Excuse me goes along ways and if your going to carry a giant purse like that, you need to be aware of just how much space it requires."  She humored me with a an unappreciative "So sorry dear" with a lame pat on my arm.  Then proceeds to exit and go ask another mom if I'm always that rude.  

Why is it considered rude to other people when you speak up for yourself?  If I wouldn't tolerate this behavior from my child, why should I have to tolerate it from another adult?  We all walk this earth and being courteous to others is something we should do each day.  

I've had my son with me and his wheelchair is heavy.  I've had to hold a heavy door and navigate him in his wheelchair through the door. I can't count how many people step in front of him to squeak past us through,  before I get him in the door.  How about the adults that  stand there and watch us struggle.  I can't even count how any times a door has been shut in our faces because people do not hold doors.  

I've watched the disabled and the elderly struggle with bags or to reach something up high.  When I see them I ask if I can help. But in the process,  I've watched many people completely stare at them struggling and do NOTHING!  What's wrong with people??? 

I'm just so sick of it.  It drives me crazy.  So when I see those offenses towards those who need the assistance or when someone is rude to me why should I bite my tongue?  To hold my tongue sends the message to my children that I think it's acceptable and it certainly is NOT!

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