Saturday, August 3, 2013


Another wonderful opportunity has come along.  A USA Swimming Zone meet is being hosted locally.  I have enjoyed my time as a swim official the last few years, particularly as a starter.  A zone meet brings swimmers and officials from many different states together at one meet.  I've been a certified starter since last November or December and have received many complements, but I'm still new.  I decided to apply for a starter position at the zone meet.  I figured I'd end up working stroke and turn, due to the many experienced individuals who would be applying, which would be fine for me.  A national meet of that caliber is a first for me so I'm just happy to participate officiating in any capacity.

Much to my surprise, I was assigned a starter position. I couldn't believe it.  What a nice complement to my skills as a starter.  I still can't believe it.  Now I have nerves. I'm a new starter and I still feel a bit rusty.  It's so important to me to give those swimmers the best start possible.  I know I can do it and with an experienced deck ref the job will be that much easier, because they typically assign those with a lot of experience to these positions.  The meet is next week and I work three of the four days.  It's a big enough deal that they will be have a team official's photo.  I'll have to brush up on my calm "take your mark" this weekend.

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