November is a month of thanks and gratitude.
Friday, November 30
Thankful for the break in the weather that we got at our swim meet in Woodland. It's tough to stay warm when it's raining and windy.
Thursday, November 29
I am thankful to eek out a 6 mile run. I needed 8... but the fact that I squeezed in this mileage among all of my mom duties makes me pretty lucky.
Wednesday, November 28
So incredibly thankful beyond words that F is feeling better the last couple of days. His smile literally lights up my life!
Tuesday, November 27
I am very thankful for a great couples counseling session with R. We are actually making progress.
Monday, November 26
Thankful that I am able to care for F when he is sick.
Sunday, November 25,
Thankful that F is coughing and wheezing less. He's sick again on the heels of a cold he caught last Monday and this one packs more punch. So far a trip to the ER has been avoided and for that I am SO incredibly grateful!
Saturday, November 24
Thankful that I was able to finally start C's infinity scarf after three attempts of getting my starting circle twisted. I'm also thankful for the time she took to help me make patterns for some handmade items we are sewing for F.
Friday, November 23
Thankful to have NOT participated in Black Friday. It contributes to greed and breaks down family traditions.
Thanksgiving Day, November 22
Thankful for the day I spent with my family. We are so fortunate to have each other, a warm place to lay our heads, and food to fill our bellies.
November 21
So thankful and grateful that my kids are feeling better. It's a fever free day. Glorious!
November 20
Today I am thankful that my official clipboard was found at the last swim meet. Now I just have to arrange to get it back, but it's been found!! So thrilled about that.
November 19
I am thankful for my friend Rachel. She ran 10 miles with me today. I was due to run 12, but was feeling under the weather. It was so great to have her company and her friendship.
November 18
Thankful to C for her great swims and wonderful support of my USAS starter training. She stuck it out an afternoon session so that I could put in an additional training session as a starter.
November 17
Thankful for the kind and helpful USA swim officials I worked with today. They added humor and levity to a cold, windy, rainy day of starter training.
November 16
Thankful to have what felt like an easy Algebra midterm. Especially, after I studied and reviewed the wrong unit for the test.
November 15
Thankful for my friend, Caroline and the time I had to meet her for lunch.
November 14
Thankful for my F's music therapy teacher who understands him through music. She described him today as Frank Sinatra reincarnated. :)
November 13
Thankful for the family that carpools my daughter home from swim practice.
November 12
Thankful for an extra day with my girl due to the holiday.
November 11
Thankful for for the ability to check of many things on my to do list.
November 10
Thankful for a nice quiet Saturday at home with my family.
November 9
Thankful for a nice run at the trail.
November 8
I am thankful for the day I spent with F and his teacher Naomi yesterday. What great fun we had creating terrariums together.
November 7
Today I am thankful the election is OVER! No more political ads on tv or in my mailbox. I can now answer the phone again without worrying about someone on the other end trying to convince me to vote a specific way. The election ad campaign is the BIGGEST waste of money. We will never know what those millions of dollars could have done for our country and it's people.
November 6
I am thankful for two things. First, my right as a women to vote. Second, my baby sister. Today is her birthday. Although we no longer have a functioning relationship, I am grateful for all of my wonderful memories of our good times together. Wishing her the most happy birthday possible.
November 5
I am thankful for Cienna and all that she brought into my life.
November 4
I am thankful for an entire day at home with my family.
November 3
I am thankful for Karen her friendship and her love for me.
November 2
I am thankful that I had the ability to push through an eight mile run when I didn't want to do anything.
November 1
I am thankful for the kindness extended to me by my husband.