Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Foot

Five weeks ago tomorrow, C injured the side of her foot.  It's right on the bony prominence of the side of her foot.  She had an x-ray to rule out fracture.  It was negative.  Then two weeks later with she was still complaining about her foot.  After seeing it.  She had a HUGE red area around that bony area.  At first I thought that she had something imbedded and potentially abscessing, but it wasn't red and angry enough.  Then I started to think it was a pressure sore.  The doctor referred her for MRI and also put her in a boot at my request.

The MRII results came in negative for anything other than inflammation due to trauma.  She is still to rest and ice the foot.  The foot pain is down from a 9 to now a 3.  She is trying to swim until it gets too painful and then she swims with a bouey.  I've started tanking her for cryo therapy which sees to be the first thing that that has helped since first getting the boot.  I wonder if it's just a bruise on the bone?  The swelling is starting to finally come down, but I'm starting to get frustrated.

C has pulled out of some fun end of year school activities. This sends a clear message to me.  That there is a real problem with the foot.  She has been referred to orthopedics to have them check her injury. All results tell me it's not serious, a mom, I still can't help but wonder what is really going on.

Since I started this draft post, the foot has improved, now her right hip hurts.  Today for the first time she took off the boot.  I think walking lopsided aggravated the hip.  If it's not one thing it's another with this child.  I've told her to drink water along with the other helpful things like ice, ibuprofen, and stretching.  She's just so inconsistent.  The water is the big thing.  She DRIVES me crazy with her lack of drinking anything liquid. Maybe some day she will be injury free.  My fingers are crossed!