Sunday, March 11, 2012

Some Things are Better Left Unsaid

So I recently found out that a former friend of mine (note the word "former") has recently announced that she's expecting. I'm super excited for her. Being a mom has been the best job of my life. I've tried to stay connected with this friend here and there. She was my training partner for a year or two and we logged tons of miles on our feet and on our bikes. Spending that much time together you become pretty good friends.

When I started having to cut back on training because my kids needed me things began to fizzle. She dropped me so fast and pretty much stopped contacting me. I was fairly hurt by te fact that I was pretty disposable since I thought we were pretty good friends.

So this past couple of weeks we've been communicating via email. We had scheduled on the calendar a time to meet up for coffee or go to lunch. We confirmed the day before and te next day she kind of left me hanging. She wasn't feeling well only to find out later it was due to the morning sickness.ok I'll give her that, but not even a call or text message to cancel?

Recently we were talking about a half-marathon in an email conversation. I mention who I planned on running. I get a reply that states the friend I plan on running with is riding in the limo with them to the race. Ok, I'm not looking for an invite or anything,  but really she has to tell me she's doing something fun and fabulous with a group of people and drive home the fact that I'm not invited.  Was it to make me feel bad? Was it to point out that my life is isolating or I suck as a friend so no one wants to include me.

I can remember early in our friendship. The whining and crying over one of her now best friends and how that individual treated her. How they made her feel badly about herself. Clearly she doesn't recall what that feels like.  I think I'm completely over this friend.

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