Monday, April 9, 2012

Why didn't I think of that?

F wanted to go to the movies to see The Hunger Games. Going to the movies is challenging for him. It's very stimulating and it's hard for him to sit for long periods of time. He doesn't wiggle or reposition himself in his chair and with gas bloat, he gets uncomfortable. Seeing an entire movie is challenging to say the least, but he REALLY wanted to see this movie.

So he and Caroline planned a trip to the movies. They read the Hunger Games series together two years ago. F reread them just before the movie so he could do his comparison. They took a friend along too. He was SUPER excited about going today.  So excited I'd thought he'd bust.

To make a long story short F didn't get to see the whole movie. He stayed as long as he could until he was so uncomfortable he was crying. He was so disappointed. So I took his tickets and drove to the theater.I spoke with the  the theater manager.  I explained the situation and that F hadn't been to the movies in over two years, because he was so disappointed from the last time he had to leave early.  It's discouraging to be left hanging and not know how it ends only to have to wait for the video to come out. helped me come up with a plan for F. We can call ahead to find out the exact running time of the movie with previews. F can decide how much of the movie he'd like to see, leave before he gets too physically uncomfortable, get a reentry movie ticket so he can come see the second have on another day. It's genius!

I came home gave F his tickets.  I explained to him how simple it would be for him to break a trip to the movies into two parts.  He doesn't have to be discouraged for feel like he's missing out on something by leaving a movie early.  He can always return to complete a movie on his terms.  He was very happy to know that he can go back and finish The Hunger Games.  He's also pleased to know that he doesn't have to have the goal of seeing an entire movie at the theater.  He doesn't have to feel pressured to sit through the whole thing and he can actually go on HIS terms.  I encouraged him and Caroline to start planning what they might like to see next month.

Seriously... why didn't I ever think of that?

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