Saturday, February 25, 2012


So I like to run.  It helps me work off my stress and clear my mind and I can exercise my two dogs. They will behave the remainder of the day which I love!  I have the opportunity to think through a lot of things. It's my break from my life. This was my last long run before my half-marathon on March 11. I run at the local bike trail along the river.  It's beautiful.

The run was uneventful and I felt pretty good until the last mile and a half.  That last bit of distance was so incredibly HARD! I don't really understand why some long runs go by so quickly and others are serious mental TORTURE! This one went by easy and then I started getting stiff legs and the wind was picking up.  I wanted to stop running.  This is where I think of my son.

I remind myself that I take steps for F.  I think of each painful step and liken it to every painful CP spasm he's had.  I think about how he will never have the ability to do this with his own two legs. Yet, he doesn't complain. I think of how asthma  prevents him from enjoying the outdoors.  His world is so small and yet... he enjoys every minute of it.  He doesn't grumble, or really complain.  He requires so little in many ways.  He is content and satisfied the majority of the time. I say majority, because he too has his moments.  He sets an amazing example for doing your best and finding the joy in all that you do.  I am grateful for all that I can do and enjoy.

For F:
Thank you for inspiring me.  You help me each day to remember that I can.  You work hard to continually improve yourself even if your progress is very small.  You refuse to believe anything negative said about you. You choose to prove those naysayers wrong. You never give up. I love you!!

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