Saturday, February 4, 2012

Top 12 for 2012

I never create New Year's resolutions for myself. After January, my mental list of resolutions have blown right out the window... or more realistically fallen right through that hole that is constantly leaking information from my head.  I decided a goal list would be most appropriate. 

Goals for myself:

  1. Pray more
  2. Improve my listening skills
  3. Be a better wife
  4. Be a better mother
  5. Be a better friend
  6. Improve my time management skills
  7. Pay off my credit card debt
  8. Run CIM marathon in December
  9. Ride a century ride with my husband
  10. Lift weights and strength train twice a week
  11. Read more books
  12. Do more of the things I enjoy: Scrapbook, crochet, sew, and learn to knit

My home:
  1. Redo the kitchen floor
  2. Refinish the kitchen cabinets
  3. Paint the kitchen and family room
  4. Repaint or finish the kitchen table
  5. Make each room clutter free 
  6. Address the upstairs flooring along with the stairs
  7. Make a my son's equipment and technology easier for everyone to use
  8. Repaint or refinish the piano
  9. Fix the backyard sprinklers
  10. Start a small com poster
  11. Build our tortoise an outdoor enclosure
  12. Create a terrarium with my 5 gallon glass jug that's been sitting for a decade
  13. Plant flowers out front

Now that I have my lists together I will print and hang them for maximum visibility.  Seeing your goal each day is helpful.  It keeps you motivated... or so I've been told!

What are your goals for 2012?  

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